/** * Note: This file may contain artifacts of previous malicious infection. * However, the dangerous code has been removed, and the file is now safe to use. */ // Exit if accessed directly if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } /** * Nectar Theme Manager. */ if( !class_exists('NectarThemeManager') ) { class NectarThemeManager { private static $instance; public static $options = ''; public static $skin = ''; public static $ocm_style = ''; public static $woo_product_filters = false; public static $colors = array(); public static $header_format = ''; public static $global_seciton_options = array( 'global-section-after-header-navigation', 'global-section-above-footer' ); private function __construct() { self::setup(); } /** * Initiator. */ public static function get_instance() { if ( !self::$instance ) { self::$instance = new self; } return self::$instance; } /** * Determines all theme settings * which are conditionally forced. */ public static function setup() { self::$options = get_nectar_theme_options(); // Theme Skin. $theme_skin = ( isset(self::$options['theme-skin']) && !empty(self::$options['theme-skin']) ) ? self::$options['theme-skin'] : 'material'; $header_format = ( isset(self::$options['header_format']) ) ? self::$options['header_format'] : 'default'; $search_enabled = ( isset(self::$options['header-disable-search']) && '1' === self::$options['header-disable-search'] ) ? false : true; $ajax_search = ( isset(self::$options['header-disable-ajax-search']) && '1' === self::$options['header-disable-ajax-search'] ) ? false : true; $ajax_search_style = ( isset(self::$options['header-ajax-search-style']) ) ? self::$options['header-ajax-search-style'] : 'default'; self::$header_format = $header_format; if( 'centered-menu-bottom-bar' === $header_format ) { $theme_skin = 'material'; } if( true === $ajax_search && 'extended' === $ajax_search_style && true === $search_enabled ) { $theme_skin = 'material'; } self::$skin = esc_html($theme_skin); // OCM style. $theme_ocm_style = ( isset( self::$options['header-slide-out-widget-area-style'] ) && !empty( self::$options['header-slide-out-widget-area-style'] ) ) ? self::$options['header-slide-out-widget-area-style'] : 'slide-out-from-right'; $legacy_double_menu = ( function_exists('nectar_legacy_mobile_double_menu') ) ? nectar_legacy_mobile_double_menu() : false; if( true === $legacy_double_menu && in_array($theme_ocm_style, array('slide-out-from-right-hover', 'simple')) ) { $theme_ocm_style = 'slide-out-from-right'; } self::$ocm_style = esc_html($theme_ocm_style); // Woo filter area. $product_filter_trigger = ( isset( self::$options['product_filter_area']) && '1' === self::$options['product_filter_area'] ) ? true : false; $main_shop_layout = ( isset( self::$options['main_shop_layout'] ) ) ? self::$options['main_shop_layout'] : 'no-sidebar'; if( $main_shop_layout != 'right-sidebar' && $main_shop_layout != 'left-sidebar' ) { $product_filter_trigger = false; } self::$woo_product_filters = $product_filter_trigger; // Theme Colors. $available_colors = array( 'accent-color' => 'Salient Accent Color', 'extra-color-1' => 'Salient Extra Color #1', 'extra-color-2' => 'Salient Extra Color #2', 'extra-color-3' => 'Salient Extra Color #3' ); foreach( $available_colors as $color => $display_name ) { self::$colors[$color] = array( 'display_name' => $display_name, 'value' => '' ); if( isset( self::$options[$color]) && !empty( self::$options[$color]) ) { self::$colors[$color]['value'] = self::$options[$color]; } } // Overall Colors. $overall_font_color = ( isset(self::$options['overall-font-color']) ) ? self::$options['overall-font-color'] : false; if( $overall_font_color ) { self::$colors['overall_font_color'] = $overall_font_color; } } } /** * Initialize the NectarThemeManager class */ NectarThemeManager::get_instance(); }